The Flower Pot located at the entrance to Arborwood. Converted from a leaking water fountain it sat languishing as a container for evergreen shrubs. Several years ago someone had the idea to remove the shrubs and make a Flower Pot. The first year being empty Mike and I planted Marigolds, Petunia, Columbine, Echinacia, Torpedo Onion, and Strawberries. There were some other flowers but I don't remember their names. Then in 2009 in the dark of night a new gardener pulled up and transplanted or destroyed all but the Strawberries and planted a wonderful garden of flowers too numerous to comprehend.
Ground Zero in the conflict between edible Strawberries which I planted, the dreaded Ice Plants which had been there for years, and the invasive decorative Strawberries. They all fight for space and need a little convincing so as not to encroach into the other plants space. I did the convincing and received verbal punishment for being the "decider" from Sarah the authorized gardener of the Flower Pot. I have recently removed the edible Strawberries and replanted them at Karen's house way out in the country. They will be far happier there with direct sunlight which they lacked under the Silver Maple tree. I filled the empty space with a multitude of Black Eyed Susan plants which will grow and mature into a spectacular display.
After a couple of years of growing Torpedo Onions in the "Flower Pot" these volunteers came on their own and produced another wonderful set of flowers. Last year they weren't as strong nor were there as many. Not everyone in the condo complex admired these flowers but being back from the road they took their place high above most every other flower.